Everyone has had that feeling of just wanting to quit their boring mundane desk job and just go on an infinite vacation, it might seem hard to believe but there are jobs out there that involve a lot of travel and don’t involve you being part of a large energy sapping corporate . So here is guide to How to travel and earn money.
Image source: curtmercadante.com
The article below is how you can live, travel and explore all while you earn money to keep your adventure going.
For the more adventurous readers you could even go to your dream destination and then find a job. A great job search tool is Neuvoo .The website has over sixty countries listed on it and numerous jobs in each of those countries so no matter where you go you should have no trouble finding a job.
For those who would like to have a job that involves travel here are some good options to explore.
How to travel and earn money
I will start the list of travel friendly jobs with the job that should be a no brainer on this list.
Pilot or air staff: Maybe we should get the obvious one out of the way .This job definitely means being in a different city every night or at least very often as now some low cost carriers prefer to have their pilots and other staff fly back to the city where the carrier is based to save on hotel room costs .However still a great option especially if you manage to land a job with one of the larger carriers.

Ski, snowboard or surf instructor: This one is just an absolute dream .Ski and snowboard instructors are often paid a good sum of money and often charge by the hour, more over after the season ends if you wish you could go back to a more financially rewarding job or if the travel bug has bitten you bad enough you could travel the other hemisphere and continue teaching.

There is nothing more relaxing than being paid to work on the beach .It is always summer is some part of the world and being a surf instructor is probably a dream job for many .
Wildlife photographer: This one is definitely for the more hardened traveler ,being a wild life photographer practically gives you an excuse to travel to any country in the world in the name of work .This job however does require immense discipline as getting that award winning shot doesn’t exactly happen on your first day of the job. It is one of the best option in How to travel and earn money.

Disc Jockey: Well if you asked a bunch of guys on the street one in probably five would say they are some kind of DJ .The great thing about this is music is pretty much a universal language making the boundaries of landing a job anywhere in the planet very easy. You should probably find the right balance between having an international appeal and adding your own flavor to stand out from the millions of others holding a laptop and oversized headphones calling themselves DJs. Courses are not that hard to come by either and are often no longer than a few months .

Hotel and cruise ship Staff: If something a little more corporate if for you then maybe this could be a great option .Though dealing with people‘s complaints doesn’t seem very glamourous, high-end hotels can be located in some of the most exotic destinations in the world .
You would probably be working weekends and long hours depending on your position but if you don’t mind heading to your local bar or having a night out even when it’s a Monday then maybe this is for you. Cruise ships are definitely not for those who get home sick but that probably won’t happen as the entire crew normally goes to one of the many nightclubs onboard as soon as their shift is over. This could be your choice if you can have a smile on your face among How to travel and earn money.

Travel Guide or tour coordinator : If you speak multiple foreign languages and you don’t mind repeating the same rehearsed speech several times a day this is probably for you .You would definitely get to meet people from all over the world at tourist destinations which could be great .Do watch out as these jobs tend to be seasonal. Its one of my favorite among How to travel and earn money.

English teacher: You are probably reminded of the days you gave your high school teachers a tough time however now more companies’ need people with good command over the English language to train their staff which probably means working fewer hours and getting paid more than if you were teaching at a school.

Working from home : I know this sounds like the complete opposite of job that requires you to travel however most people who work from home only need their laptops and maybe their phones .A Wi-Fi connection is available at any coffee shop anywhere in the world making working from home ironically a great way to travel .
These are a few professions that you could get into if you love to travel .Anyway thank you for reading and happy travelling!
By:Manvendra Kikkeri Hey everyone my name is Manvendra .I am a student and part time writer .I love traveling and sports and by current obsessions are startups and technology .Let me know what you think and feel free to message me : https://www.facebook.com/
very helpful post for people who want to travel and earn…
Awesome post.. keep it up 😀